So...with my two big papers of the semester over and done (and graded...both A's, tyvm), I decided to treat myself to a little shopping. That, and it was too beautiful outside to be stuck in the house all day studying for finals. So, I hit the AC in the Jeep and went around town seeing what I could find.
First stop was the mall for a leisurely stroll around.
I checked out Macys because, well, I love their handbags and looking at them always makes me happy. Then strolled around the clothes and found these pants:
Then it was off to Sears. I know Sears is the best place to buy tires...whatever. They're clothing clearance can be amazing at times.
I got these two tops there:
They'll probably be more for next year now, since Baltimore heard it was April and decided 90 degree weather was most appropriate, but the pink top was 1.99 and the teal one was 2.99. They were both originally $19.99 each, and were on the 80%+ off rack. You can never have too many shirts, especially when you hate doing laundry, like I do.
Next up, Bath and Body Works.
I had a coupon for a Free Travel Item with ANY purchase that was getting ready to expire today, so I figured I would use it before I lose it. So for $1.59 (including tax) I got the apple scented hand sanitizer for my purse, and I got a Twilight Woods travel spray. It smelled good in the store, so hopefully that continues.
Then I went away from the lures of the mall and went into CVS.
So what you see in the picture is 2 three-packs of Winterfresh (yea...I chew a lot of gum) that were on sale 2/$3, CVS Dry skin lotion 1.49 (used a 1.00 off any CVS skin care item that I got from the Extracare card machine which made it .49) and a roll of CVS recycled TP - can never have enough- $1.15 (used 1.00off any CVS paper product coupon also from Extracare machine making it .15) Plus, the lovely machine also spit out a 1.50 off your purchase coupon.
My total started at 5.64 then after coupons went to 2.14+tax for everything pictured.
Tired yet? Well there is more...Walgreens!
The three packs of pens you see were on sale this week for 1.19 a pack, plus in the Walgreens circular there was a coupon for 1.00 off, making them each .19 per pack = .57 total. SCORE! Plus the Dawn also had a circular coupon making them .99 each, combined with a coupon I had for $1.00 off two, made them .49 each. Total for everything? 1.55+ tax.
IT GETS BETTER! The pens have a mail-rebate form on the back. For purchasing 3 packs, I'll receive a rebate for $4.50, which actually means I made $2.95 on the trip. WOOT!!
Last but never least in my heart....Target.
Everything in this picture had at least one coupon attached to it with the exception of the little post-its at the bottom right corner. They were on clearance for .25 and I had to have them. Before sales and coupons everything you see would have been: $39.07, my total after sales and coupons was: $14.49
Whew! No wonder I'm tired. If you read all of this, you deserve a cookie. :)
1 comment:
::wants mah cookie::
But, seriously. I aspire to be as frugal. I never even remember to grab coupons before shopping.
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