- With 40 percent of the Daily Value of fiber in one 80 calorie serving, Fiber One 80 Calories cereal can help curb your hunger, which can help you stick to your weight loss plan.
- With great-tasting Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, there is a new breakfast option that helps you feel satisfied without sacrificing flavor!
Check them out on Facebook!
I was very lucky enough to be given the opportunity to sample a box of Fiber One 80 Calorie Cereal in the Honey Squares variety recently and I have to say I was a little impressed. I'm a little wary, usually, of cereals that claim to be very low in calories because they are also usually low in flavor or taste like cardboard. While this cereal wasn't packed with a lot of honey flavor, it did have a nice delicate flavoring to it, in my opinion. One thing I definitely liked is that it kept my full until lunch. I usually only eat breakfast on mornings that I have to go into work and about halfway through the morning I'm already hungry. I didn't have that problem when I ate this cereal. It is a cereal that I would be willing to buy at the grocery store and eat on a regular basis.
Sound good? Check out Fiber One's website for more information and a coupon!
Want to try some of this cereal for yourself?
I was lucky enough to not only get a box of the cereal myself, but I am also hosting a giveaway for Fiber One 80 calorie cereal. The winner of this giveaway will receive everything you see in the picture above:
- 1 box of Fiber One 80 Calories Cereal
- 1 sensor pedometer with USB connector to chart walking progress
- 1 neoprene iPod/Smartphone holder with arm strap
Here is how you enter:
1 MANDATORY ENTRY: You must leave a comment on this entry telling me about your normal daily breakfast. What do you normally eat? Does it keep you satisfied until lunch time?
- Follow my blog through Google Friend Connect. That would the "Follower" box on the right side panel of this page. Then leave a separate comment letting me that you have done so
-Blog about this giveaway. Leave a separate comment letting me know that you have blogged with a link so that I can check it out!
-Become an Email Subscriber Again on the right side panel of this page, where it says "Delivered by Feedburner". Just leave me a separate comment letting me know that you subscribed and the email address that you subscribed with for verification purposes.
You have 4 chances to win this giveaway, just make sure you leave a separate comment for every entry you make, or it will not be valid. Also remember to leave your email address in your entries for notification purposes. Please keep all comments entry-related; non-entry comments will not be counted when a winner is selected.
Giveaway is only open to residents of U.S. and Canada 18 years or older. This giveaway will be open through August 26th and the winner will be announced/emailed on or after August 28th. GOOD LUCK!!!
Disclosure: Fiber One 80 Calories cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
try to eat healthy oatmeal with honey, or cold cereal..... And it usally keeps me full I like to add fresh fruit on the side to that keeps me fuller
GFC kathy55439.......
I am so bad about eating breakfast! I usually don't eat anything until lunch and then I end up getting an upset stomach because it has been so long since I ate. You would think I would learn from this and eat breakfast but I really don't feel like eating when I get up in the morning.
I follow with GFC as edmontonjb
usually have oatmeal or cold yogurt with granola- sometimes it does, sometimes it does not
I really enjoy Egbeaters w/ a slice od shredded fat free cheese and veggies like mushrooms if I have them on hand. I also have a slice of lite 35 calorie toast.
I normally eat eggs and toast w/ jam and it seems to keep me full until lunch.
puppy1843e at gmail dot com
I normally do a handful of nuts and yogurt.
Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
Right now it's a protein shake with fruit. Sometimes it holds me, sometimes it doesn't.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
GFC follower as Alicia
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I usually just have cereal. Sometimes it doesn't always fill me up, then I start snacking, which isn't good.
I usually eat a bagel. Nothing ever keeps me too full...super fast metabolism! I like to snack on cereal between meals though.
I usually eat oatmeal and a small yogurt for breakfast. It usually keeps me going until lunch.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
GFC Follower: JennS
jas8929 at gmail dot com
I usually have skip-its for breakfast which throws my system off. I can never find anything that keeps me satisfied until lunch so I just skip breakfast. I would love to find something that would keep me going with my 1 year old until lunchtime and his naptime lol :)
I have a banana, toast and coffee and I'm hungry by lunch.
Diane Baum
I normally have a fat free muffin or a bowl of cereal. I have tried the Fiber One 80 Cal cereal and its not bad at all.
I usually eat greek yogurt with a little granola, or a whole grain mini bagel with fat free cream cheese, and always some type of fruit; usually a banana, apple, or orange. This typically does fill me up til about noon or so.
Thanks for the giveaway!
modest_mal at yahoo dot com
GFC follower - Mallory Nichols
modest_mal at yahoo dot com
email subscriber
modest_mal at yahoo dot com
I normally have an Eggo and PB - which keeps me full for the most part!
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC follower!
username: Diana R.
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
There are many days that I forget to eat before I leave the house, or I eat a Fiber One bar. I really need a little something more.
Follow via GFC under the name of Chip
I normally eat a bagel or pop tart, I am hungry by lunch time and become cranky.
I eat a peice of toast and some fruit or a small bowl of cereal and some fruit. I have a piece of fruit in the mid morning so yes I do get hungry before lunch, but I eat every two hours, so I am OK with my mid morning small snack :)
I will normally eat a bowl of cereal or sometimes a Jimmy Dean or Walmart brand Breakfast Bowl. But neither one of them are very filling, and I am normally hungry again around 10-10:30! :(
Dara Nix
kitty32504 at cox dot net
I'm a GFC Follower (Dara Nix)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
I'm a new e-mail subscriber!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
My normal breakfast is a turkey sandwich and a Pepsi.
I do one of those instant breakfast chocolate shakes every morning. They're not bad (a bit chalky I guess) and they do keep me going until lunch, but I haven't dropped any weight yet, and I've been doing it for almost 2 months now. I'd have expected to see at least a few lbs shed by now.
currently i have a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, it pretty much keeps me full until lunch
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I'd say scrambled eggs!
Whole grain cereal and fruit keep me satisfied until the next meal!
I normally have a bowl of cereal and a banana or a yogurt and a piece of fruit. I am usually hungry well before lunch.
I follow through GFC (Peace Love and Pets)
I subscribe by email (
I usually eat toast or an english muffin with coffee.
GFC follower. (Lubelle)
I normally eat oatmeal with fruits and nuts and it sometimes keeps me full until lunch.
i normally have an atkins shake for breakfast and it doesn't keep me full, clallen at ntin dot net
gfc clallen at ntin dot net
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