Target.com has released some great new printables this morning, over $200 in savings. Remember, if the printable says "Target Web Coupon" at the top, you can use a manufacturer coupon for the same item along with it for greater savings.
Some of the new releases (most expire 10/9/10):
- $3/1 Denim Adult Clothing Item (also valid online using promo code: TGTDMNAD)
- $2/1 Denim Kids Apparel Item
- $3/1 Merona Dress
- $2/1 Merona Accessories
- $1 OFF Fresh Produce
- $5 OFF 42-count Prevacid 24 hour
- 0.50/1 6-count Hostess Muffins
- 0.50/1 Market Pantry Bread
- $2/1 Market Pantry Frozen Chicken
- $1/1 Market Pantry Seafood Item
- 0.50/1 Archer Farms Italian Bread (at SuperTargets)
- FREE Giada Coffee when you buy 3 Giada Dressing, Sauce, or Pesto
They also have tons of coupons for Target's Up & Up brand throughout the Personal Care, Beauty and Healthcare sections.
Go here to check out all the coupons they have released this morning.
Also, remember, you can print out two of each coupon, usually. So once you get to the screen where it says "Coupons Printed", click the button to go back to the coupons page and print the ones you really want again.
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