Safeway has an AMAZING new coupon book out in their refrigerated and frozen sections of their stores for over $70 in savings! They have tons of products like Philly Cream Cheese, Lean Pockets, Eggos, Texas Toast, Orange Juice, Eggs, Marie Callendars, Banquet, Jello Pudding, etc etc. They even have Safeway brand coupons for their family meals, pizzas, juices, etc.
The non-Safeway coupons are manufacturer's coupons so you don't have to use them at Safeway, you can take them to Target, Walmart, or any other grocery chain in your area. Most of these coupons look like they expire at the end of October, but some are good through the end of November.
Take a look for them in your store, if they aren't out ask at the customer service center if they have them.