I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend!
I know I have some very faithful readers, so I thought I would get everyone up to speed. It's September which means, of course parents you already know this, that school is back in session for kids and for me as well.
This fall (today actually) I am beginning my last year as a Graduate Student as well my year long internship at a local middle school. In addition to this, I am still working (only three days a week to accommodate everything else), preparing to take my national certification test and doing everything else that I did before. Right now, I'm sort of transitioning back into having 12-14 hour days with everything going on and being tired again. So while I'm readjusting, the blog might seem a little neglected, unfortunately.
I'll still be around and still post some great deals as I find them. But until I'm mentally and physically readjusted, just bear with me. I love keeping up this blog, so there is no way that I would stop. I just need to prioritize and make sure that I have everything together to complete my program.
Thanks so much for understanding and reading!